I promise

I Promise Contract:

I am making this promise to myself and to this process. I commit to Svadhyaya (self-study) in both mind and body. I am here not only to learn to teach, but to learn how to be. 

I promise to practice Asteya (non-stealing) by attending every session, or make up hours as necessary. I will show up on time, prepared for anything. I will be present in mind and body for lectures. I promise to to complete all my assignments.

I promise to practice Ahimsa (non-harming) in my feedback and group discussion. 

I promise to support others in this group training.

I promise to let go of my ego.

I promise to follow directions, to be coachable and teachable.

I promise to participate fully.

I promise to practice Satya (truth).  

I promise to uphold the confidentiality of the group. 

I promise to practice Tapas (self-discipline) while seeking knowledge of the body and its movements. I will practice Brahmacharya (moderation), Saucha (cleanliness), and Santosha (contentment) during this journey. I acknowledge that the schedule is demanding and I will practice self-care throughout the training. 

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